Robby wants to go to Space …. lets send him there …. no really!

Axe is running a really clever advertising campaign.

Nothing appeals to me more than an ad campaigns that has the touch of the ridiculous.

AXE has finally stepped away from their “spray on and have women jumping all over you” campaign and given this one some thought.

The ad people at AXE have redeemed themselves (for now) with their new campaign.  It is very cool, very clever – and nicely put together on their website.

The prize/carrot at the end of the stick is that they are putting a winner into space.



“Axe is scouring the world to recruit a few brave me.  For the opportunity of a life time – a trip to space.  And yes we mean actual space”


My friend Robby Kotejin has made it to the leader board, and I can’t think of someone I would like to see more I’d like to see in a space suit eating his lunch out of a squeezie bottle.

He needs to win the South African leg, and then goes on to an international leader board.

Pop along to the website, it’s a cool campaign, click on the Leader Board, and give Robby a vote.  Let’s get our man into space!!


Vote HERE!

Top 20!!!!
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Click leaderboard tab at the top
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Click on Robby Kojetin!!!!!

None of the people who have voted have received any spam or rubbish – that’s nice of them!