Update on Georgia … in the wars …

Georgia’s mouth looked pretty grim this week.

Her chin and bottom jaw were pretty banged up and bruised, with the result that she was not moving her bottom jaw to speak or eat, or brush her teeth.

Her gums were swollen, and I was not convinced that her teeth weren’t damaged.  We also couldn’t really see her front top and bottom teeth as everything that was either bloodey or swollen blue/black – and there was no way you could get in to see what was going on.

I know the right thing to do is to wait it out, and then things would look better, but I was convinced that the teeth that took the brunt of the fall were going to need to be pulled, or something very similiar, and each day seemed to bring a fresh crop of anxiety and panic about my daughter ending up looking like a troll, as I decided to “wait and see…”

Like any slightly hysterical mother I was disappointed that the doctor did not do what I thought was required i.e. a full head x-ray, a EKG, a full blood work up, a CAT scan and what ever else sound important – with a STAT at the end of it {I have clearly been watching too much Grey’s Anatomy}.  Instead he put a plaster on her chin and sent me and her on our way, wtihout ordering one unneccesary test. 

When I mentioned that Georgia has a tendency to fall/trip a lot, his response was: “Maybe she is just clumsy…”

Bear in mind we have come from a fall at school – where she was playing by herself and fell on her face.  Walking from the car at the ER to the ER door she fell again, I kid you not.  So you can see I might find it difficult to accept my child is  “just clumsy”- any the who, clearly I felt that we had been abadoned by the entire medical fraternity and decided to take matters into my own hands.

I was recommended to a really good (=great equipment but really expensive, and medical aid does not cover his rates) dentist in the area and took Georgia along to the appointment.

I love a doctor/dentist who takes the time to examine a child correctly when the mother is clearly having a freak out.  This guy clearly had met a few overraught mothers in his time, and knew exactly how to proceed.

There was also a television in the ceiling, and the dentist chair was covered in the same cow-patch plastic material they use for all Spur furniture – makes children feel safe if they think that there might be a Spur burger or Chicco the clown in the deal. 

Georgia eased in to the chair, he put the movie on and she opened her mouth and gave him a look to indicate the less he spoke, the more she could watch the movie.

He checked what he could.  He could not get in to her mouth as she could not open her jaw, so he used a small camera to take photos of the inside of her mouth.  He was concerned that her gum was very bruised, and there might be a jaw fracture.

I don’t exactly like to high five and say “see  I was right to be concerned” … but well, no doubt you know how it goes.  He did a full jaw x-ray and it showed that there was damage to her milk teeth, but the permanent teeth had not been damaded.  The permanent teeth that had taken a bit of the impact, did not have a root system, so were fine and would probably move back in to place.

By yesterday her swelling had reduced, the pink had returned to her gums, and the bruises looked much better. I could have left it, but it would have added to my worry.

I think the point I am trying to make is that when I took her to the ER, I should have insisted on a jaw x-ray, and should not have settled for being bustled out the door with a band aid, and a “call me if there are any problems…”

You mean more than the cut, the bruised chin, the teeth that are bloody, and the fact my daughter can’t move her jaw.  What other problems are you referring to?  Coughing up blood?

I stood there in silence and the doctor took control of the situation.  I really have no idea why doctors/people in white lab coats have this hold on me.  It is like I am fully in control and have vocal ability until I cross the threshold and then I turn into this simpering parent, and forget that this is actually my child, and last time I checked there is a bill that gets paid, hence the reason I am elevated from being a patient to a customer.

Note to self: I really must learn to grow a pair!

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  1. freetobemommy

     /  May 2, 2012

    Oh wow, poor little one. I’m glad you were finally able to get answers you needed. I know I would have bn freaking out for sure.

  2. Just so glad she is better.

  3. I am exactly the same with Doctors. Hate it. I feel totally helpless. Hope Georgia feels 100s soon!


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