Divorce and how our experiences change us … listen to the podcast – part one

I was invited recently to take part in podcast hosted by The Village with the aim to bring several people together, and to chat about divorce.

The way it changed us as individuals, the way we dealt with it, and most importantly how our children coped.  And maybe what we could or should have done differently to protect our children, or make the experience better for our children.

I go along to these things and wonder what I can possibly add that the next person does not already know.  As usual I realise I was sitting with a group of people who had so much to teach me – and at the same time were there to be taught by others.

It was one of the most powerful events I have ever experienced.

The honesty, the openness, the wisdom.  The crying.

At one point during the podcast – I was talking and I just started crying.  That snot cry, where your words become silent …… I am always amazed how much emotion I have around this issue, when I do my best to hide it away.  Under the many many layers of humour and self-deprecation that I use.  I keep telling myself “I am so over this……….” and then I realise that maybe I am not.

If you are going through a divorce, planning a divorce, watching a divorce, have a friend going through a divorce, can think of things that rhyme with divorce — then please listen to this podcast.

The people are wise and at the same time, so very capable of just bursting into tears.

This is part one —-

“It’s like you’ve fallen off a ship and you’ve got a life vest on that’s not working properly. And you’re trying to hold three kids up above the water so they can breathe.”

In our latest edition of The Village Live podcast, we talk to six Villagers who have lived through the break up of a relationship about what they learned – especially when it comes to looking after their children. It was a powerful discussion which we’re bringing you in two parts. Take a listen. Tell us your best advice.
